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1967 TRIVIA Puzzle

      L I B E R A T O R S O F Y O U T H
        T E N D E R I S T H E N I G H T
B U T C H                              
        H E I D I W E B E R            
        E                         L    
    B L A C K A N D S I L V E R R O O M
        T                         V   A
  E L M O                         E   N
        F                             G
      S T E V E H O R O W I T Z       U
        H                             S
        E L L I N G E R                
  F A M I L Y A F F A I R              
        T E R R Y B E R R Y            
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2 What is the definition of a Loy
4 What was the theme of our last homecoming
5 Our Homecoming King
6 Queen of the 'Sweetheart Swirl' Dance
8 Whats the name of the room at the Pantlind Hotel where our Senior Prom was held
10 Our Principle shares his first name with a popular Sesame Street character
11 Who played Dr. William Chumley in the play Harvey
12 Miss ________ was the teacher of Study Hall
13 Popular 1967 family TV show
14 What is the name of the place we all bought our class rings from
1 What is the trail we traveled
3 What was the 1967 Academy Award winning movie
7 Is all we need according to a Beatles song
9 Mr. ______ was our Drivers Ed teacher
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