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19th Century Inventors Crossword Puzzle
19th Century Inventors Crossword Puzzle
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19th Century Inventors

        1     2         3                  
4                           5              
                              8       9    
            12               13              
          16     17         18                
Across Down
1 Elevator brake developer
4 Who invented Coca Cola?
6 Who developed kindergarden?
7 Who developed pasteurization?
10 Developer of the foutain pen
12 Who developed the 1st gas powered motor cycle?
13 Came up with blue jeans
16 Developed the assembly line
18 Who Invented the Bunson Burner?
19 Potato chip developer
2 Who invented the typewriter?
3 Developer of the Escalator
5 Who invented the Telephone?
6 Who invented the gyroscope?
8 Who came up with the 1st all purpose fixed focus camera?
9 Radio inventor
11 Inventor of the record
14 Came up with dynomite
15 Thumb tack inventor
17 Who invented the light bulb?
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