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U.s. History Crossword Puzzle

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U.S. History

                      1               2     3  
6     7       8                                
          17           18                        
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6 Belief that territory should expand from coast to coast
9 British hoped to capture New Orleans and take control of the Mississippi River
10 Purchased this territory from Mexico
11 Part of the Texas Revolution
12 Territory added to the U.S. in 1803
14 Created by supporters of Andrew Jackson
15 Settled the conflict with Missouri's application for statehood
16 First time the Judicial branch of government used the Judicial Review
17 The main author of the Declaration of Independence
1 Act passed to punish Britain and France and to protect American merchant ships from capture
2 Forced Indians to move west
3 Document written by President James Monroe and John Quincy Adams to warn European nations not to interfere with America
4 Led his soldiers into the Battle of New Orleans, and became war hero
5 Indians were forced on this trail where many died
7 To force people to join the army or navy
8 Signed in 1848 and ended the Mexican American war
13 Democratic Republican Party in 1809-1817
18 Most territory gained when he was president
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