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A New World Order Takes Shape

      C H U R C H I L L      
  B E R L I N W A L L        
        C E C I L I E N H O F
          D                 A
          N                 T
C R I M E A                 M
          T R U M A N       A
          I             S   N
        R O O S E V E L T    
          N             A    
        I S R A E L     L    
Across Down
1 Prime Minister of the United KIngdom during WWII
3 Militarized zone in post-war Berlin that separated
4 Palace where the Potsdam Conference was held
6 City in Russia where the 'Big Three' met to discuss the reorganization of post-war Europe
7 Became President in 1945 after FDR died
9 President of the United States during WWII
10 Country founded in 1948 in order to give Jews a safe place to live
2 Organization founded in 1945 by five countries to dicuss polices and international affairs
5 Name of the bomb dropped in 1945 that ended the war in the Pacific
8 Leader of the Soviet Union during the second World War
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