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A Painted House Crossword Puzzle

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A Painted House

    5     6                            
    8   9         10                    
  12                 13                  
      15       16   17                    
      18   19                            
Across Down
2 the person everyone relied on to find out if libby was pregnant or not
3 delieved libby's baby
6 leave their homes in the early fall to come and pick cotton
8 Worlds greatest wrestler straight from Egypt
10 let luke watch her bathe
11 the town in which this story takes place
12 the person who is painting the Chandler's house
13 like violence, not a very emotional person
14 a very dark and distant mexican
15 the lady who was naming all of Samson's moves
18 helped beat up luke
20 dreams of playing for the cardinals
1 hill family from Eureka Springs
2 leader of the ten mexicans
4 mean family that gets into fights behind the co-op
5 mexican that got hit in the face with a rock
7 ricky's friend from high school
9 wasn't present when the chandlers brought food
16 15 year old pregnant girl
17 killed Jerry Sisco
19 accused of being libbys baby daddy
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