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A Tale OF Two Cities Crossword Puzzle

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A Tale of Two Cities

                                  1       2      
                    6     7                      
                        11                       12
                14         15     16                
          17 18                                    
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4 His son was run over by the Marquis's carraige and fel dead
7 The woman who accompanied Madame Defarge in the end of the novel
8 The alcoholic laywer and the jackal
9 The messanger from Tellson's Bank
10 was accused of aiding the King of France by conveying information about the English troops sent to Canada and North America
11 Carton comparied himself to him, as he sacrified himself and would never die.
13 The author of A Tale of Two Cities
15 Weapon used to chop off heads
17 His wish was to denounce the Evermondes family to heaven and to earth
19 The secret association members in the wineshop
20 Darney's servent who was imprisoned by the leaders of the revolution
1 Dr. Manette's solitary cell
2 Helped Carton in reaching Darnay in prison
3 The lion
5 Dr.Manette began making them in prison
6 One of the signs of having strangers in the wine shop
7 Owner of the wineshop
12 The lady who raised Lucie
14 Name of Dr. Manette's prison
16 City where the story began
18 The witness who had been once accused of steaing the silver tea pot
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