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A Thousand Splendid Suns Crossword Puzzle

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A Thousand Splendid Suns

                      6               7      
            8   9             10              
                        14   15                
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2 The name of the boy who bullied Laila when she was younger
3 The name of Laila's lover
6 What killed Laila's parents?
8 The gender of Laila's first child
10 Rasheed expects his wives to wear this in public
11 Rasheed's original occupation
12 The birthplace of Hakim and Fariba
13 Last name of the author of A Thousand Splendid Suns
16 The name of the fictional village 2 kilometers north of Herat
17 The cause of death of Mariam's mother
18 Where Rasheed works after his shoe shop burned down
19 The name of the mud hut where Mariam grew up
20 The colour of Laila's eyes
1 The meaning of Aziza's name
4 The bodypart of Laila that was permanently damaged by the explosion
5 Rasheed makes Mariam eat this as punishment for being a bad cook
7 The stadium where Mariam was executed
9 The reason of Rasheed's dissatisfaction with his marriage with Mariam
14 The name of the prison where Mariam stayed
15 Illegitimate child
17 The object used to kill Rasheed with
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