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A Turkey Takes The Stand Crossword Puzzle

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A Turkey Takes the Stand

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3 Students who register in this way must submit a ____________ to the department office by Monday, November 29, 2012.
4 I plan to get a good ____________ in all my subjects.
5 The young orphan told of his__________ so passionately they were moved to tears.
6 President Lincoln set out to ___________slavery in the 18th century.
7 You must get an _________________ document to register for the classes at the college of your choice.
8 I just met the ____________ yesterday his name was Senator Edward Kennedy and he signed my card.
1 The judged slammed her _________ and received the attention of everyone in the room.
2 It's hard for me to be a ______________ to a soccer match, when all I want to do is run onto the field and join the game.
9 My family serves_____________on Thanksgiving Day before noon.
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