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Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander History Crossword Puzzle

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Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander History

      1 2                          
        4                       5  
        7                         8
9       10                     11    
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1 How did the Commonwealth Government and states integrate Indigenous non 'full bloods' into the wider population?
3 National Aboriginal and Islander Day Observance Committee
4 After the decision in Mabo (No 2) case, what Act did the Australian Parliament pass?
6 The ______ took place in May 1967.
7 Paintings of what have been estimated to be 7 000 years old?
10 European claimed land for their own purpose under the doctrine of _____ _____.
12 Who delivered the National Apology?
2 What are the lighter skin children removed from their parents now referred to as?
5 What was one of the towns involved in the Cape York Welfare Reform?
8 Australia was occupied by how many Indigenous populations?
9 Colonial society considered Indigenous Australians to be primitive, _____, savage or worse.
11 What is celebrated on 26 May each year?
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