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Adlerian Theory Crossword Puzzle

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Adlerian Theory

Complete the crossword puzzle using the given clues.

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2 one's community feelings , being as concerned about others as one is about oneself.
3 seeks to discover information about how problems in client's life began (social and medical history etc)
4 stories of events that a person says occurred before he or she was 10 years of age
5 whole life (family, goals, culture etc)
6 showing faith in people, expecting them to assume responsibility for their lives and value them for who they are
7 feeling of being connected to all humanity(past, present, future) and making world a better place
8 the concepts about self, others, and life that constitute philosophy on which an individual's life is based.
9 person's interpretation of his or her place in the family
1 connecting themes and rules of iteraction that give meaning to our actions (perception of self, others and world)
2 counselor helps the client tell his or her life story as completely as possible
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