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Adolescence Crossword Puzzle Answer

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        I D E A L I Z E D T H I N K I N G
    S P E R M A R C H E                  
        I D E N T I T Y D I F F U S E D  
D O P A M I N E                          
        R A T I O N A L I Z A T I O N    
  S E R O T O N I N                      
        I N I T I A T I O N R I T E S    
        M E N A R C H E                  
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1 David Elkind's research to learn more about the thinking process of adolescents.
2 Boys maturation.
3 An individual who has not yet given any serious thought to making any decisions and has no clear sense of identity.
4 Plays a major role in reward-motivated behavior.
5 Develops to enable the adolescent to deal with overpowering emotional feelings.
6 Regulates moods.
7 Rites of passage that mark the admission into adulthood.
8 Girls maturation.
1 Seriously considering the issues but have not made a committment on any.
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