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African Americans!

  J E S S E J A C K S O N                    
B A R A C K O B A M A                        
  S C O T T J O P L I N                      
    O P R A H W I N F R E Y                  
    U                       A                
    G E O R G E W C A R V E R                
    L                       T                
    A L I C E W A L K E R   H                
    S                       U                
                          M A L C O L M X    
                          B E R R Y G O R D Y
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2 A civil rights leader who worked with Martin Luther King Jr.
3 First african American to become president.
4 African-American composer .
5 Has her own network and her own Talk Show.
7 Was an American scientist, botanist, educator, and inventor
8 Novelist, short story writer, poet, political activist.
9 African American leader and prominent figure .
10 American record producer, and songwriter.
1 Was an American social reformer, orator, writer and statesman.
6 won three Grand Slam titles.
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