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Agricultural Systems IN The Caribbean Crossword Puzzle

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Agricultural Systems in the Caribbean

Complete the puzzle below.

                        1   2            
              4                 5        
          12   13                          
          14     15     16                  
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6 system of producing crops and livestock which imitates the natural ecosystem
8 system of agriculture where crops and animals are grown in a large area
9 system of crop production where plants are grown in a nutrient solution
10 method of animal identification in an intensive system
11 the production of one crop under the extensive system is called?
13 system of agriculture where crops or livestock are kept close to each other in limited space over a short period of time
14 enclosed structure made primarily of glass or plastic which provides a controlled environment for growing crops
1 crop produced under the plantation system which is processed into oil
2 specialised housing for rabbits raised under the intensive system
3 crop produced under the plantation system which is processed into chocolate
4 the system of production which is halfway between intensive and extensive production
5 animals raised under the extensive system feed by _______ on grass.
7 type of farming done by persons who reside in the city on empty lots and on rooftops
12 specialised housing for pigs under the intensive system
15 crops produced under the extensive system are mainly for?
16 system of producing crops and livestock without chemical inputs
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