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Alaskan Animals Crossword Puzzle

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Alaskan Animals

              7       8        
      11       12                
            14     15            
Across Down
3 An animal that is nicknamed snowshoe hare or a bunny.
5 A type of bear but white.
6 Bird that has black feathers.
8 Something that is friendly to people.
9 A bird that is the symbol of the United States.
10 An animal that has quills.
11 A bird that can turn white and camouflage.
13 Something that lives in river and that people can eat.
14 An animal that is like a dog but dangerous.
16 A type of bird that hoots.
1 Something that lives in lakes that can make dams.
2 An animal that is kind of close to a moose.
4 Something that has horns and live on mountains.
7 A big animal that eats berries.
8 An animal that has white dots on its body.
12 An animal that is like a bull but it is more hairy.
15 An animal that has orange fur and a white tail.
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