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Alcoholism Crossword Puzzle

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        7                     8                                
                  10                         11                  
              12                             13                  
              14                         15                      
Across Down
2 A disease characterized by the uncontrolled use of alcohol
3 A variety of symptoms that occur after the use of alcohols is reduced or stopped
5 Causes someone to lose control of their behaviors
6 A decline of reasoning, memory and other mental abilities
7 A chronic disease of the liver
8 Painful symptoms that develop after consuming too much alcohol
9 The removal of toxic substances
10 Ulcers that occur in the stomach
11 Driving under influence
12 Drinking to get drunk
13 To he drunk or intoxicated
14 A device that estimates BAC from a breath sample
15 Driving while intoxicated
16 Inflammation of the lining of the stomach
17 A symptom of alcoholism
1 The condition in which the number of red blood cells in the blood is low
2 When alcohol abs becomes dependence
4 Delirium tremens
6 Driving while intoxicated
14 Blood alcohol concentration
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