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Algebra 2 Crossword Puzzle

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Algebra 2

              4                                       5
              12                           13            
14     15                                                
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1 A technique used to solve quadratic equations where a quadratic equation is written as the sum or difference of a perfect square and a constant.
2 Reverses or undoes the action of another function by interchanging the dependent and independent variables of the function for an appropriate set of values of the dependent variable.
3 When reading a graph from left to right, as the 𝑥 values increase, the 𝑦 values decrease.
4 A vertical line that goes through the vertex of a quadratic function and divides the parabola into two congruent halves, that are mirror images of each other.
6 A squared number or expression subtracted from another squared number or expression.
7 Occurs when the common ratio of the function is greater than on, causing the output values to get larger as the input values increase.
8 The highest degree of any monomial or term in the polynomial.
9 Has symmetry about the 𝑦-axis.
10 Non-real solutions; a parabola that does not intercept the x-axis.
12 A function in which the independent variable appears as an exponent of a constant.
14 Occurs when the common ratio of the function is greater than zero and less than one, causing the output values to get smaller as the input values increase.
1 Often known as 𝑟; a measure of the strength and direction of the linear association between two quantitative variables.
5 The expression located under the radical in the quadratic formula.
11 The behavior of the graph of 𝑓(𝑥) as 𝑥 approaches positive infinity or negative infinity.
13 A statistical relationship between two or more data sets.
15 A function that has symmetry about the origin.
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