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Algebra Language Crossword Puzzle

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Algebra Language

    1 2                    
      4             5      
    11                 12    
Across Down
1 A letter that is used to represent number in an algebra in expression
3 Two equivalent algebraic expressions separated by an equal sign
4 The comparison of two quantities by division
6 A number that is multiple by a variable
7 In a power, the number that tells how many times the base is used as a factor
8 A number, a variable or a product or quotient of numbers and variable that is added or subtracted in an algebraic expression
9 A term in an algebraic expression that does not contain variable
10 The result of subtraction
11 A statement that two expressions are not equal
2 Variables and numbers combined by operations
5 The horizontal number line in a coordinate plane
12 The vertical number line in a coordinate plane
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