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All about Rhode Island

                                1   2                  
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24                 25                       26            
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                  30   31       32                        
Across Down
2 Rhode Island's state motto
5 Someone who represents you in Congress or the General Assembly
6 A right and responsibility of every citizen when they turn 18
8 Document that granted Rhode Islanders permission to have a colony with a 'full liberty in religious concernments'
9 A list of candidates for public office; where citizens can indicate their choices in elections
12 Rhode Island's legislative branch - made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives
14 Someone who represents you in Congress or the General Assembly
15 Someone who runs for office
17 Founder of Providence, the first colonial settlement in Rhode Island
19 Indigenous tribe in Rhode Island
24 Rhode Island state shell
25 Rhode Island's nick name
27 Capitol of Rhode Island
29 The right to vote
30 The Rhode Island State House was one of the first big public buildings to have this modern invention
33 Image on many Rhode Island license plates
34 Built the first water-powered mill in America, in Pawtucket, Rhode Island
1 Head of the Executive Branch of State Government
2 Ship burned in protest by Rhode Islanders
3 A system of government where citizens choose people to represent them in government
4 The Rhode Island State House is made of this stone
7 One half of the General Assembly
10 there are many of these in the Rhode Island State House
11 The way leaders in Rhode Island government are chosen
13 Rhode Island artist who painted many portraits of George Washington and other Founding Fathers
16 This can represent a state or a country - Rhode Island's has thirteen stars
18 Indigenous tribe in Rhode Island
20 The Rhode Island State House has the 4th largest of these in the world!
21 One half of the General Assembly
22 The Rhode Island State House has two of these inside its main entrance
23 Symbol of Rhode Island
26 One of the branches of government - Governor and President are in it
27 Painting of a person - the Rhode Island State House has many!
28 A letter signed by many people in support of, or in opposition to, a proposed law
31 How old you have to be to run for state office in Rhode Island
32 Someone who moves to a new country
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