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All About Stalls

What do you know about keeping a horse's home in fine shape?

            5                     6
      7                 8          
      9   10                        
  12         13                      
          16     17                  
Across Down
3 A type of bedding made from small slices of wood
5 Something you can wear to keep your hands clean
7 A type of bedding made from fine bits of wood
10 Volcanic material used to dry out stall floors and absorb smell
11 The # of minutes it should take to clean a stall
13 Use this to roll away the soiled stuff from the stall
14 These need to be scrubbed so they don't get slimy
15 Tool to lift the poop and not the bedding
16 The stuff you put down in the bottom of a stall to cushion the horse
18 Sweep these out once a week to keep fire hazard low
19 Sprinkle this on a stall floor to help absorb odors and dry it
1 The prongs of a fork
2 Another word for horse poo
3 Bedding made from something you can read
4 The animal we love and want to take good care of
6 Type of bedding; some horses like to eat it!
8 When a horse is stuck in the stall, this is the word used
9 These are usually rubber and can be used to make stall more comfortable
12 Rhymes with 'uck'; what you do when you clean out a stall
17 How often you need to clean out a stall
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