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Ambrose Burnside Crossword Puzzle

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Ambrose Burnside

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2 The battle that showed and made many argue his ineffectiveness in combat
3 The general that Burnside outmaneuvered until General William T. Sherman showed up with reinforcemnets
4 Where General Burnside graduated and is also the most prestigious military school in the world
5 Another accomplishment and high position in the U.S government after the Civil War
6 The part of the Union Burnside controlled as their leader
7 The name of the now popular facial hair style that runs down the side of your face that was named after General Burnside
8 Served as governer for this State that is located in the east coast
9 the battle that made Burnside resign as general
1 The side that General Burnside fought for during the Civil War
2 Was the last battle Burnside fought in as a general in the Civil War
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