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American Literature

unit vocabulary

C A V O R T I N G                      
      U N D E R S T A T E M E N T      
    L O C A L C O L O R                
        N O N S E Q U I T A R          
C U R L E W                            
        T R A N S Q U I L              
        L O G I C A L F A L L A C I E S
        I                           F  
        S                           F  
I N F A M O U S                     A  
Across Down
2 jump or dance around excitedly.
3 the presentation of something as being smaller, worse, or less important it actually is
4 the customs, manner of speech, dress, or other typical features of a place or period that contribute to its particular character.
5 logic and inference or a conclusion hat does not follow from premises
6 a large wading bird of the sandpiper family
7 free from disturbance; calm.
8 so that they can be identified and avoided when attempting to persuade
10 well known for some bad quality or deed
1 philosophy which says that thought and spiritual things or more than ordinary human experiences
9 erase (a mark) from a surface
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