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Ancient China Crossword Puzzle

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Ancient China

                        1   2                
                                3 4          
5             6                              
    8                             9          
          14     15             16              
Across Down
3 a religious temple
5 originated in India. one of three major religions
7 enables body's life force energy to move properly
8 opposites that balalce eachother out
9 follows teachings of Lao-Tzu
10 life size soldiers
11 a relgion or philosphy
12 only Chinese emporer
13 also called WU XING
14 first emperor of China
17 fast growing grass
18 belief one should withdrawl from the world and study nature
1 revered mythological creature
2 maintains control over region/country for long periods of time.
4 ideas and teachings of Confucious
6 belief that god in Heaven determines who rules China
15 trade route from northern China to Europe
16 protects borders of China from invaders
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