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Ancient Civilizations

5                         6      
            11     12              
      13                 14        
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4 God is all powerful.
5 God is all knowing.
7 the number of days and nights of the flood
8 a line which shows the dates when events took place
9 food, water, shelter, clothing
10 had an obedient heart shown by his sacrifice of the firstborn of the flock
13 All things are in God's presence.
15 had a disobedient heart shown by his sacrifice of crops
16 study of the past
1 very, very old
2 the first man God created
3 the way in which people live together in a large area (food, work, government, culture, writing)
6 a promise or agreement between two people
11 the Tower of Babel may have been one of these
12 the seed that God promised to send who would crush Satan
14 he built an Ark, and God saved his family
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