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Ancient Greece Crossword Puzzle
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Ancient Greece

        1         2                        
                      3     4   5          
            14               15              
  18 19           20                          
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1 power Greek city-state and rival to Athens
4 was the central meeting place in Ancient Greek cities
8 One of the most powerful Greek city-states
9 person who studies and thinks about why the world is the way it is
10 were the citizen-soldiers of the Greek city-states
11 were the serfs or slaves that worked for the Spartans. The majority of the people who Sparta ruled
12 consisted of a large city and the surrounding areas
14 a fortified citadel within a larger city, usually @top of a hill
16 A legal member of a country
18 A government that receives its power from the people
2 A lawmaking body of a country made up of citizens
3 piece of armor, usually made from metal, that covered the front of the torso.
5 type of government where the power is held by a few people
6 athletic games every four years
7 A Greek philosopher who founded the Academy in Athens and wrote many philosophical dialogues
9 A war between Greece and Persia; overall, Greece won
13 straight upright structure in architecture to support an arch
15 The original Olympic event, was a running race the length of the stadium
17 The central city of a city-state
19 were five leaders in Sparta who were chosen to oversee the Spartan kings. They were elected annually.
20 A type of clothing worn by the Greeks
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