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Ancient Rome Crossword Puzzle

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Ancient Rome

Answer the questions to complete the crossword puzzle

                  4                 5          
                6                   7          
      8       9                                
      11                           12            
            17                   18              
          22       23                            
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4 A unit of empire.
6 Said to be first settlers of Rome.
7 What poor people did when wheat shipments were late or bad.
9 Believe that Jesus.is our Messiah.
10 a branch of government to reject bills or proposals.
11 A soldier who serves for pay in a foreign army.
12 An elected Roman offical.
13 Divided the empire in A.D 284.
14 Looted Rome in A.D. 455.
15 Ruled for six months.
16 An offical count of people living somewhere.
17 Ruled from A.D 312 to A.D. 337.
19 One of the forms of learing the romans had.
20 looted Rome in A.D. 410.
21 Founder of Christanity.
22 Died in A.D 14.
1 An ordinary citizen in Ancient Rome.
2 A person who dies for a cause.
3 Not considered citizens.
4 Head of a romean household.
5 Greek equivelent for the word Messiah.
8 18 when he became Emperor.
17 50,000 people could fit in it.
18 Letters written by disciples in the Christan bible.
23 Worked for no pay were not considered citizens.
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