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Andrew Jackson Reconstruction Crossword Puzzle
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Andrew Jackson Reconstruction

                                2     3     4            
                  6                         7            
    17         18                                          
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5 the national legislative body of a country
7 revoke or annul ( a law or congressional act)
8 the action or process of reconstructing or being reconstructed
9 being set free from legal social or political restrictions
10 admit (someone) to a place or organization again
11 murder(an important person) in a surprise attack for political or religious reason
12 an estate on which crops are cultivated by resident labor
13 state in southern eastern united states
16 a public or official announcement
19 joined by an agreement or treaty
20 being joined
1 supporter of upper class party
2 a war between citizens of the same country
3 supporter of lower class party
4 a native or inhabitant of the north,especially of the northern US
6 establish in 1865 by congress to help former black slaves and poor white in the south
14 a thing or things belonging to someone; possessions collectively
15 a native or inhabitant of the south, especially of the southern US
17 public affairs of a country
18 a member of a senate
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