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Animal Nutrition and Digestion

Complete the following crossword. This will count as 5 test grades.

                          A           M     A P P E N D I X                
                          B           I           L                        
                          S     D     C         V I L L I                  
                          O     U     R   S       M       C                
                          R     O     O   T       I       H E R B I V O R E
                          P     D     V   O       N   P   Y                
                          T     E     I   M       A   H   L                
                          I     N     L   A       T   A   O M N I V O R E  
                          O     U     L   C       I   R   M                
                        E N Z Y M A T I C H Y D R O L Y S I S              
                        X                         N   N   C                
                  G A S T R O V A S C U L A R         X   R U M I N A N T  
                        R                                 O                
                  H E P A T I C P O R T A L V E I N   M I N E R A L S      
                        E S S E N T I A L A M I N O A C I D S              
            L A C T E A L                                                  
                        L A R G E I N T E S T I N E                        
        C       B       U                           B     G                
        E       I       L                           O   P A N C R E A S    
        C       L       A L I M E N T A R Y C A N A L     L                
    F L U I D F E E D E R                           U     L                
    E   M               D                     R     S     B                
    C     M A L N O U R I S H M E N T         E   C   C O L O N            
    E       M           G                     C   H       A                
    S       Y           E S S E N T I A L F A T T Y A C I D S              
            L           S                     U   M   A   D                
            A     G A S T R I C J U I C E     M   E   R   E                
            S           I                       N     N   R                
            E   P       O   D       B   P   P   U     I                    
                E S S E N T I A L N U T R I E N T S   V                    
S P H I N C T E R     S     G   I   L   O   P   R     O                    
                I     O     E   V   K   T   S   I     R                    
  V I T A M I N S     P     S   E   F   E   I   T     E                    
                T     H     T   R   E   A   N   I     S                    
                A     A     I       E   S   O   O                          
                L     G     O       D   E   G   N                          
        M U C U S     U     N       E       E                              
                I     S             R       N                              
          P E P S I N                                                      
Across Down
3 a small, finger-like extension of the vertebrate cecum; contains a mass of white blood cells that contribute to immunity
6 a finger-like projection of the inner surface of the small intestine
9 an animal that mainly eats plants or algae
11 an animal that regularly eats animals as well as plants or algae
12 the process in digestion that splits macromolecules from food by the enzymatic addition of water
13 a central cavity with a single opening in the body of certain animals that functions in both the digestion and distribution of nutrients
14 an animal, such as a cow or a sheep, with an elaborate, multicompartmentalized stomach specialized for an herbivorous diet
15 a large circulatory channel that conveys nutrient-laden blood from the small intestine to the liver, which regulates the blood's nutrient content
16 in nutrition, a simple nutrient that is inorganic and therefore cannot be synthesized
17 an amino acid that an animal cannot synthesize itself and must be obtained from food in prefabricated form; eight amino acids are essential in the human adult
18 a tiny lymph vessel extending into the core of an intestinal villus and serving as the destination for absorbed chylomicrons
19 the tubular portion of the vertebrate alimentary canal between the small intestine and the anus; functions mainly in water absorption and the formation of feces
24 secretes the hormones insulin and glucagon into the blood
25 a digestive tract consisting of a tube running between a mouth and an anus; also called a complete digestive tract
26 Both Sides fluid feeder an animal that lives by sucking nutrient-rich fluids from another living organism
28 the long-term absence from the diet of one or more essential nutrients
31 the largest section of the vertebrate large intestine; functions in water absorption and formation of feces
32 an unsaturated fatty acid that an animal needs but cannot make
34 a digestive fluid secreted by the stomach
41 a substance that an organism must absorb in preassembled form because it cannot be synthesized from any other material; in humans, there are essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and fatty acids
44 a ringlike valve, consisting of modified muscles in a muscular tube, that regulates passage between some compartments of the alimentary canal
45 an organic molecule required in the diet in very small amounts; serve primarily as coenzymes or as parts of coenzymes
46 a viscous and slippery mixture of glycoproteins, cells, salts, and water that moistens and protects the membranes lining body cavities that open to the exterior
47 an enzyme present in gastric juice that begins the hydrolysis of proteins
1 the third stage of food processing in animals: the uptake of small nutrient molecules by an organism's body
2 one of many fine, finger-like projections of the epithelial cells in the lumen of the small intestine that increase its surface area
4 the fourth and final stage of food processing in animals: the passing of undigested material out of the digestive system
5 the first section of the small intestine, where chyme from the stomach mixes with digestive juices from the pancreas, liver, and gallbladder as well as from gland cells of the intestinal wall
7 an organ of the digestive system that stores food and performs preliminary steps of digestion
8 a small globule that transports lipids; composed of fats mixed with cholesterol and coated with proteins
10 an area in the vertebrate throat where air and food passages cross
12 the breakdown of food in compartments that are continuous with the outside of an animal's body
20 the blind pouch at the beginning of the large intestine
21 a mixture of substances that is produced in the liver but stored in the gallbladder and that enables formation of fat droplets in water as an aid in the digestion and absorption of fats
22 a lubricated ball of chewed food
23 an organ that stores bile and releases it as needed into the small intestines
26 the wastes of the digestive tract
27 the terminal portion of the large intestine where the feces are stored until they are eliminated
29 an enzyme in saliva that hydrolyzes starch (a glucose polymer from plants) and glycogen (a glucose polymer from animals) into smaller polysaccharides and the disaccharide maltose
30 the mixture of partially digested food and digestive juices formed in the stomach
33 an animal that mainly eats other animals
35 the process by which an organism takes in and makes use of food substances
36 alternating waves of contraction and relaxation in the smooth muscles lining the alimentary canal that push food along the canal
37 the second stage of food processing in animals: the breaking down of food into molecules small enough for the body to absorb
38 an animal that eats relatively large pieces of food
39 an enzyme that digests proteins by hydrolysis
40 the inactive form of pepsin that is first secreted by chief cells located in gastric pits of the stomach
42 a channel that conducts food, by peristalsis, from the pharynx to the stomach
43 the largest internal organ in the vertebrate body; performs diverse functions, such as producing bile, preparing nitrogenous wastes for disposal, and detoxifying poisonous chemicals in the blood
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