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Animalia Crossword Puzzle

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                                1 2                
                      4           5                
                  6 7                              
                10       11   12     13                
    15 16         17                                  
                                18                 19
20                                           21      
Across Down
1 Has two wings and covered with feathers
4 Fish can move use it
5 One respiratory of frog and toad
6 Animal can categories in 5 classes
8 Creature with soft body and hard shell
9 Sea animals with tentacles and stinging cells
10 The group of scorpions, spiders, crabs
15 Can live in water and on land
18 A crustacean that lives in the sea
20 Lives in soil, from the annelids
21 This amphibian lives near ponds
22 These cover the skin of fish and reptiles
2 A creature made up of 3 body parts and 6 legs
3 A long leg-less reptile, sometimes poisonous
7 A hard outer shell covering the whole body
11 Cold-blooded creature with scales, lay eggs
12 Simplest animal
13 Bodies are radially symmetrical with five-part body design, move with tube feet
14 Fish use these4 to breathe underwater
16 Warm-blooded, breathes with lungs, gives birth to live young
17 An animal that don’t have a backbone
19 Birds and reptiles lay these
21 Lives in water, breathes with gills
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