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S P E C I E S       H                  
            P A S T E U R I Z A T I O N
            O       L                  
            N       L                  
            A D A P T A T I O N        
          L O U I S P A T E U R        
      O F F S P R I N G                
          D E C O M P O S E            
      H Y B R I D S                    
          M I C R O O R G A N I S M    
Across Down
2 Clasification of a living thing.
4 the sterilization of a product.
5 When a living thing get adapted to a place.
6 The person that prove that spontaneous generation does not exist.
7 when an specie reproduce and start creating a descent
8 When something get decay.
9 is the living result of 2 diferent species
10 Are tiny living things, and most can only be seeing by a microscope.
1 Body structure of a turtle
3 The theory of create living organisms without any source of live.
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