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Animals Crossword Puzzle

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Try find the animals

                            1     2  
      3 4                            
    7         8     9                
        11               12            
Across Down
1 They love bambo and are black and white
3 They are mammals and live in the sea
5 A black and white striped animal
7 They run faster than a truck and have spots
9 They live in America and have scales
11 Have longe necks so they can eat from high trees
13 They get killed for there tusks
14 They climb trees and can swing tree to tree
1 They live in snow and are almost extinked
2 They are obedeint and listen really well
4 You ride them in races
6 They hunt for fish in rivers
7 They have horns that are a meater long
8 They curl up when you hold them
9 They have wool thatp is shaved of each cople of terms
10 They love Rowling in mud and they have more than one child
12 They have huge manes that trickle down there back
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