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Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria Crossword Puzzle

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Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

4     5                            
            8     9       10       11
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1 a pure substance composed of two or more elements whose composition is constant
2 the capacity of an organism or a tissue to withstand the effects of a harmful environmental agent
3 pertaining to the study of all the metabolites present in cells, tissues, and organs
4 present in great quantity, plentiful
6 a slang term for hydraulic fracturing
8 the observation and measurement of wavelengths of light or other electromagnetic radiation
1 collective term for a set of laboratory techniques for the separation of mixtures
4 a violent attack
5 strikingly new, unusual, or different
7 a group of organisms of the same species, having distinctive characteristics but not usually considered a separate breed or variety
9 group whose members have one or more similar characteristics
10 to excavate, extract
11 an amount produced or supplied, output
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