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Arkansas Geography

                              1   2            
      3       4       5   6                    
    9             10                            
  11       12                                    
15                             16   17            
            22           23   24                  
Across Down
8 wind-borne soil
9 explosive, naturally occurring chemical used for home heating and cooking
12 northeastern part of the state
14 northwest part of arkansas-highland
15 tools geographers use to classify info
18 valleys between Ouachita and Ozark mountains-highland
20 imaginary line dividing the earth into east and west
22 divisions on a globe into four parts
1 imaginary lines on a globe running north to south
2 dark liquid, crude oil, found beneath the earth's surface
3 a 150 mile long river is the nation's first nationally protected river-newton, searcy,marion counties
4 the south eastern part of the state-lowland
5 80 mile free flowing river-madison and carroll counties
6 imaginary line dividing the earth into north and south
7 mineral found in Ouachita mts used for sharpening tools
10 southern part of the state-lowland
11 mountains in the western central part of arkansas-highland
13 exact location
16 river with the second greatest volume of water
17 used in gasoline and in dyes, medicines and other stuff
19 imaginary lines on a globe running east to west
21 silica stone found in Ouachita mts used for roads and gravestones
23 human environmental impact
24 approxomate location
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