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Around The World IN Eighty Days Crossword Puzzle

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Around the World in Eighty Days

Fill in the crossword puzzleby using the hints given to you.

  10   11                              
Across Down
3 The man who had jumped in and saved the woman
4 The woman was seen being dragged by the Brahmins
5 The clerk's name that helped the judge
7 The city that means 'city of god'
8 The third passenger who had been with Mr. Fogg and Passepartout at the beginning of their journey from Bombay to Calcutta
9 They had arrived on this destination on the 25th of October
11 The group of people who had carried a statue of Kali, the goddess of love and death
12 The fat and round judge's name
13 The man who told the policeman to arrest Mr. Fogg and Passepartout
1 the name of the Peninsular and Oriental company's boats
2 The guide who helped them through the journey from the hamlet of Kholby to Allahabad
3 The place where the group of people were going to make the sacrifice to the gods
6 The destination of the third passenger
10 The animal's name who had helped the three passengers to their destination
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