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Art Terminology & Famous Artists

        1         2     3              
          6 7                          
8                     9                
          16     17           18          
19                         20            
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1 repeating patterns
3 he created Impressionism, a movement of art
4 he cut off part of his ear
6 Edgar Degas is famous for painting these
8 correct scale of things in an artwork
10 Michelangelo painted the ceiling of this chapel
11 most important thing you notice about an artwork
12 pure colour
13 when an image has equal balance on either side of an artwork it is
14 juxtaposition of different objects or things in an artwork
16 she is famous for her self-portraits and being married to diego rivera
19 3D quality to an artwork
20 the lightness or darkness of something
21 continuous mark on a paper
22 when an artwork is complete or whole
2 he painted 'The Green Stripe'
3 implied motion or line-of-sight
5 space that has been used
7 surface quality of artwork (how it feels)
8 repeating motifs or designs
9 he painted 'The Great Wave off Kanagawa'
14 picasso created this movement of art along with braque
15 henri matisse is famous for creating this movement
17 he painted 'The Mona Lisa'
18 shape that is irregular
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