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Art terms

            2     3                        
  6                                 7      
          11           12                    
        13                 14   15            
  19                           20            
Across Down
2 between horizontal and vertical
4 the makeup of the artwork
5 continuous and bending without angles
6 drawing without removing the pen from the paper
8 creating volume on a flat surface that leads to points
9 red, blue and yellow
10 opposite of vertical
13 colors that are on opposite sides of the color wheel
16 passing the media through openings in some flat sheet
17 one of a series of prints
18 composing art by putting various materials together on a single surface
19 cutting negative space out of linoleum
20 adds dimension to art, feel more than just a smooth surface
21 equilibrium in the artwork
1 represent something
3 involving movement in the work
4 difference between light and dark areas
7 opposite of horizontal
11 overtaking of one part of the work
12 includes orange, green and violet
14 after secondary
15 the same thing over and over
21 used to apply ink to plate or linoleum
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