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                              T R A C H E A   C
                                          X   E
                                          I   N
                                          L   T
                                          L   I
                                          I   P
                                          P   E
                                          E   D
                  T   C                   D   E
                  H   E N T O M O L O G I S T S
                  O   P                        
                A R T H R O P O D S            
                  A   A                        
                  X   L Y M E D I S E A S E    
                  M E T A M O R P H O S I S    
                    C R U S T A C E A N S      
                    E X O S K E L E T O N      
                A       M                      
                R       A B D O M E N          
                A       T                      
              S C L E R I T E S                
                H       D                      
                N     M I L L I P E D E S      
                I       A                      
M A N D I B L E S                              
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2 A tube that carries air so the insect can breathe
6 Scientists who study insects
7 Invertebrates that have jointed appendages and an exoskeleton
8 A bacterial infection that results in joint swelling, fever, and a rash
9 A series of changes that transform an egg into an adult
10 Arthropods with hard shells
11 An external skeleton
14 The hind segment of an arthropod
15 Hard plates from an insect’s head
16 Round-bodied arthropods with two pairs of legs on each body segment
17 The grinding mouthparts of crustaceans
1 Appendages that help a crustacean eat
3 Flat-bodied arthropods with one pair of legs on each body segment
4 The center segment of an arthropod
5 The body segment of an arthropod
12 The parts, each resembling a single eye, that make up an insect’s compound eye
13 Invertebrates that have jointed appendages and an exoskeleton
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