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complete the crossword below

3       4                
6             7          
            10     11      
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3 a picture or a diagram made with a pencil, pen, or crayon
5 what is used to apply paint
6 used to draw with
9 one of the three major types of paint, involves using water
12 taken with a camera
13 earthy tones
14 where the artist mixes paints
16 a visual representation of something
1 what the images are painted on
2 takes photos
4 where ideas come from
7 one of the three color divisions that are not cool or nuetrals
8 one of the three color divisions that are not warm or nuetrals
10 a basic drawing
11 a medium of which you use to draw, powdery and it gets everywhere
14 one of the three major types of paint, usually comes in a stick
15 one of the three major type of paint, is a slow drying paint
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