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Astronomy - The Sun

                                      7       8                      
15                                               16                    
                    18                       19                        
                        21   22           23                            
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3 Below the photosphere is the _____.
4 _____: The Solar Terrestial Relations Observatory, two orbiting satellites that give a constant three-dimensional view of solar activity.
5 Some _____ and radar detectors track the Sun's influence predict space weather events.
6 _____: The Solar Heliospheric Observatory, which focuses on the Sun's upper layers and corona.
9 The _____ is the layer beneath the convective zone and is a very descriptive name because this region truly does radiate heat rom the center of the Sun up to the convective zone.
11 The _____ is the period in a sunspot cycle when they taper off over five years until there are few sunspots.
12 The Sun is essentially a big sphere of _____.
13 The Global Oscillations Network Group (GONG) focuses on sound waves moving through the Sun, a science called _____.
14 _____ is a constantly blowing stream of charged particles which extends out about 100 astronomical units (a hundred times the distance between Earth and the Sun) and creates a huge bubble that surrounds the solar system.
15 Beneath the chromosphere is the _____, where temperatures range from 4,226 degrees Celcius to 5,700 degrees Celcius.
17 The second layer of the Sun's atmosphere, the _____, is a thin, reddish-hued layer of gases, and its temperature changes from 3,500 degrees Celcius at the base to about 34,726 degrees Celcius where it transitions up to the corona.
18 Beyond the solar wind's huge bubble is _____, where other stars go through the process of nuclear fusion just as our Sun does.
20 _____: The Solar Dynamics Observatory, which gives real-time imagery of the Sun and its outbursts and does helioseismology.
24 Halfway through each sunspot cycle, during a time called _____, we see many sunspots.
1 The solar wind bubble's inner edge is called the _____.
2 Beneath the radiative zone is the _____; which is an inner spectrum, a huge nuclear furnace (it's the place where nuclear fusion takes place).
3 Other solar explosions called _____ hurl huge masses of energized gas (plasma) out into space.
7 Solar physicists peer inside the Sun, using a set of special instruments called the _____.
8 Sunspots are related to solar activity, particularly in bright outbursts called _____.
10 The outer solar atmosphere of the Sun is called the _____; and is an incredibly thin layer of gas superheated to temperatures well over a million degrees.
14 Coronal mass ejections occur most often during the period of maximum solar activity and cause a pohenomenon called _____, which occurs throughout the solar system.
16 The study of the physics of the Sun is called _____ and is a very active area of research.
19 The _____ is a star and the biggest source of heat and light in our solar system; without it, life might not exist, and that makes it very important to us.
21 _____ is energized gas.
22 _____ telescopes measure all aspects of the Sun's surface and atmosphere.
23 _____ are areas threaded with magnetic fields and look dark because they are cooler than the surrounding regions.
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