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AT The Movies Crossword Puzzle

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At The Movies

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2 people who play a very small part in a film, usually in the background
6 A female person who does the dangerous actions instead of an actress
7 this person puts down the script for a film
8 another word for script
9 person who cuts and arranges parts of a film in a logical order
10 place outdoors where film scenes are shot
11 this person has an important role in a film , he/she is a ..... actor/actress
12 this person creates original music for a film
14 he is the director of ....., he's in charge of the cameras and the lightning
1 set of drawings showing what the scenes in the films will be like
3 this person provides the money of a film
4 list of all the people's names seen at the end of a film
5 money that the film is going to cost
6 this person keeps a record of how each scene begins and ends
7 techniques used to make incredible things look real
13 chosing the actors/actresses
14 the story of a film
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