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Atomic Bombings OF Hiroshima And Nagasaki Crossword Puzzle Answer

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Atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

        A T O M I C B O M B       W            
          H                       O            
          R             T     N   R            
        G E O R G E M A R S H A L L            
          E             U     G   D            
          N             M     A   W            
    H I R O S H I M A   A   U S   A            
          N             N     A   R            
          N                   K       R        
        M U N I T I O N S     I     F A T M A N
          C                           D        
          L I T T L E B O Y           I        
          E                           A        
        M A N H A T T A N P R O J E C T        
          R                           I        
          P E A R L H A R B O R       O        
          R                           N        
        M I L I T A R Y B A S E                
        A I O I B R I D G E                    
          L       J                            
          E N O L A G A Y                      
G R O V E S       P                            
Across Down
2 The nuclear weapon
7 The person who made Marshall Plan
8 The place that got hit by atomic bomb on August 6
9 The country that used atomic bomb to Japan
11 The U.S. decided to use atomic bomb at Nagasaki, because at Nagasaki there was _____________
12 The atomic bomb that used in Nagasaki bombing
13 The atomic bomb that used in Hiroshima bombing
14 The project that is made to make atomic bombs
15 The event that made U.S. to involved in World War 2
16 The U.S. decided to use atomic bomb at Hiroshima, because at Hiroshima there was _____________
17 The bridge that was target by Enola Gay
19 The combat plane that took the atomic bomb to Hirsohima
20 The person who suggest to George Marshall to drop more atomic bombs
1 The place that was frist target
3 The principles that made after Japan surrender. This principles is to not have nuclear weapon
4 The biggest war that happened after World War
5 The president that served during the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombing
6 The place that got hit by atomic bomb on August 9
10 THe ill that kiled 5,000 people in Nagasaki
18 The country that involved in World War2, and the country that got hit by atomic bomb
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