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Autism Crossword Puzzle

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            2                         3
      7     8                          
          10             11              
Across Down
2 meaningless repetition of other people's spoken words
4 the diagnosis rate in ASD is this
5 ASD is said to be more common in these
6 neurological mixing of the senses
8 a heightened response to stimuli
10 words unique to the individual
12 people with ASD can experience this
13 there is some evidence to suggest ASD is caused by this and genetic mutations
1 this word means to escape from reality
2 symptoms of ASD must be present in this
3 The Institute of Medicine concluded there was no relation to autism with this
7 someone who has neurodevelopmental delays but also shows remarkable ability or talent
9 a name for flapping, rocking, spinning, or repetition of words or sounds
11 people with ASD like routine and have difficulty with this
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