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Autumn And Halloween Crossword Puzzle
Autumn And Halloween Crossword Puzzle
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Autumn and Halloween

        1     2                              
            3           4                    
                            12   13            
            15                   16            
      18               19   20                  
Across Down
1 A scary apparition, said to haunt houses.
3 A red fruit.
6 An undead being.
9 Say this to get candy on Halloween night.
11 A scary celebration at the end of October.
13 Kids wear this on Halloween.
14 This monster is made from bones.
15 A place with many tombstones.
16 She flies on a broom and uses magic.
18 The word for gathering all of the crops (収穫).
20 Black birds who fly together.
21 The third month of Autumn.
22 Wrapped up in cloth, originally from egypt.
23 A yellow vegetable that comes from a tall plant.
2 The first month of Autumn.
4 The second month of Autumn.
5 Blood is his favourite drink.
7 This scares away animals that eat vegetables on a farm.
8 Witch's fly on this.
9 A feast in the middle of October in Canada and America.
10 A witch's favourite pet.
12 Spins a web to catch its food.
17 Kids get this on Halloween.
19 Big orange vegetable that grows on vines.
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