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Aztecs Crossword Puzzle
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Across Down
2 Another thing you could not do to Montezuma
5 Gave canoes access to the city
6 Greatest gift a human could offer a god
7 Fodd Aztecs thought was lucky
8 Head of the legal system
10 Who wrote poetry in peacetime
13 Types of landscapes the Aztec world consisted of
18 How Aztecs had to obey the emperor
20 Where slaves had to run to gain freedom
21 Name of Aztec city
23 Name of spanish troop leader
25 Highest officers in the Aztec army
26 Another one of the emperor's responsibilities
28 What women had little of
29 Name of tribal and war god
32 God of wind
33 Disease that devastated the Aztec population
38 How commoners were taught
39 Penalty for lesser crimes
41 What Aztec system of pictures was called
42 People who trained to be warriors
43 What happened to Montezuma when he tried to calm the people
44 Rain god
45 Other type of Aztec calender
46 What surrounded the Aztec city
47 What would happen to the world if people were not sacrificed daily
1 What Aztecs believed would destroy the present era
2 Most powerful god
3 What Aztecs did to people every day
4 Name of Aztec emperor
5 Another responsibility of the emperor
9 Who Aztecs believed controlled them
11 Type of people who were considered to be bad luck
12 Where Aztecs believed Tenochtitlan lay beneath
14 What war was for capturing
15 What Aztec books were called
16 Highly valued art
17 What Montezuma gave to cortes when he arrived
19 Penalty for serious crimes
22 One type of Aztec calendar
24 What aztecs believed Tenochtitlan was the centre of
27 The real secret weapon of the Spanish
30 What Aztecs hoped poetry would give them
31 One thing you could not do to Montezuma
34 What temples were to resemble
35 Name of Cortes's interpreter
36 One of the emperor's responsibilities
37 Shape temples were built in
39 Lucky Aztec number
40 What citizens were supposed to have
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