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Bacteria, Viruses And Antibiotics Crossword Puzzle

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Bacteria, Viruses and Antibiotics

Follwo the clues below and fill in the appropraite spaces

                  2     3            
          5 6                        
                  11       12          
  13         14             15          
Across Down
4 Don't use antibiotics unless you are very, very _____.
5 What do antibiotics fight against, or kill?
8 Viruses are living/non-living? (choose one)
9 Viruses are responsible for us getting sick, like when we get a?
10 Washing your hands can prevent ______ from making you sick.
12 If you have the ____ you should NOT use antibiotics to fight it.
14 You can find lots of antibiotics here.
17 'Anti' means?
18 Antibiotics are often used in _____ form.
19 You cannot see viruses or bacteria with your naked _______?
1 These drugs kill bad bacteria living inside our bodies?
2 Always use antibiotics until they are all _______.
3 A super-bug we talked about today is? (abbreviation)
6 These bacteria make their own food.
7 What is something that an antibiotic cannot kill?
9 Your body is made up of?
11 Using too many hand sanitizers can help create ______-bugs.
13 All living organisms have genetic material called?
15 'Biotic' means?
16 Bacteria are essential to all ________.
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