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Bank Account Reconciliation Crossword Puzzle
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Bank Account Reconciliation

                6                               7
15 16                                              
Across Down
6 Checks that do not appear on a bank statement
8 Amount of money n a checking account at the beginning of a statement period.
9 Appears on all checks, deposit slips, etc.
10 Amount of money in a checking account at the end of a statement period
11 Includes all transactions that have occurred for a period of approx. one month
12 The process of balancing a bank statement
13 What's green and red and goes 100 mph?
14 Where account holder records all of his transactions against his checking account
15 Lobo
1 New ASU slogan
2 British rock group of the 1960's referred to as the Fab Four
3 The process of verifying bank's records to make sure no mistakes have been made.
4 City that hosted the Summer Olympics
5 Rapper shot to death in Las Vegas
6 Deposits that have not yet appeared on the bank statement.
7 What you should do with your money
16 The type of math used to solve for an unknown
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