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Banking Services Crossword Puzzle
Banking Services Crossword Puzzle
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Banking Services

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          5                 6        
8 9                                  
          12         13                
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4 A 'used' check that has been paid and subtracted from the check writer's account.
5 A monthly fee a bank charges for handling a checking account.
7 An itemized slip showing the amount of cash and/or checks being deposited to a particular account.
8 An amount of money taken out of an account.
10 A check that a bank has refused to cash because there are no funds to cover it in an account.
12 A request made to a bank to not pay a specific check.
14 A bookkeeping term for a sum of money owed by an individual or institution; a charge deducted from an account.
15 In business, buying or borrowing at a promise to pay at a later date.
1 The amount of money in a particular account.
2 To write the payee's own signature on the back of a check before cashing, depositing, or giving to someone else.
3 Any written document instructing a bank to pay money from the writer's account.
4 An account for which the holder can write checks.
6 Money deposited with a financial institution for investment or safekeeping.
9 A fee paid for the use of money.
11 An individual or company that puts money into a bank account
13 An acronym for automated teller machine.
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