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Basic Animal Terms

2       3                              
                4   5                  
      6             7                  
        8   9                   10      
    16                   17              
            18       19                  
            21 22                        
Across Down
2 the major organ of the respiratory system of fish that allows them to breathe without lungs
6 the upper rounded part of the hindquarter (also called the croup)
7 the fleshy side of the face below the eye and above and to the side of the mouth
8 the part of an animal’s body just above the elbow of the foreleg
11 the fleshy part of the side between the ribs and the rump (croup)
12 the long projecting hairs or bristles growing near the mouth of an animal
13 the feathers covering the ears
14 the transparent layer permanently covering the eye that serves as the eyelid for snakes
16 the topmost part of the head
18 the longer, coarse hairs above the shorter under-fur of an animal that protects the animal and under-hair from rain and cold
20 the upper joint of the front leg just below the shoulder
21 the joint next above the hock in the hind leg of a four footed animal
1 the tarsal joint or large joint halfway up the hind limb
3 epidermal scales found on turtles
4 the projecting jaw that contains the nose and mouth in some animals
5 extensions of the epidermal layer of skin that have been modified to provide protection. (Fish and reptiles may have some type of scales)
9 a ring encircling the eye of many birds
10 the web of skin supported with bone or cartilage rods that enable a fish to move through the water
11 the part of the foot that the animals walks on
15 the tip of the nose that may be sensitive and useful for investigating food, water, or unfamiliar objects. (Called nose leather in cats)
17 the back of the neck
19 the loose fold of skin under the chin of an animal, most prominent in female rabbits
22 the hind limb extending from the rump to the hock
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