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Beauty Treatment Crossword Puzzle

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Beauty Treatment

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        1           2        
                3   4        
        6 7                  
      13             14        
Across Down
4 a person's hair
5 to pull out hair with your fingers or with tweezers
6 care and treatment of the feet and toenails
10 tool for cutting hair that has two sharp blades with handles
11 to form or make something form into a curved shape
12 to to care for and treat your hands and nails
13 a small tool with two long thin parts joined together at one end, used for pulling out hair
1 substances used especially by women to make their faces look more attractive
2 to dry your hair with a hairdryer and shape it into a particular style
3 to become white or pale by a chemical process
7 to remove dead cells from the skin
8 to rub and press a person's body with the hands
9 a small plastic tube that hair is rolled around to give it curls
13 become brown as a result of spending time in the sun
14 a long thin mark or line that is a different colour from the surface it is on
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