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Beowulf's Epic Crossword Puzzle Crossword Puzzle

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Beowulf's Epic Crossword Puzzle

                              2   3            
5         6                                    
        8                   9       10          
          11                     12              
      17                     18                  
        19                         20   21        
        22         23               24            
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5 What happened to Beowulf's sword in the last battle?
7 What did we not know about Beowulf in the last battle?
8 Where is Beowulf from?
11 Who did Beowulf face in the second story?
13 What are the people that left Beowulf?
14 What is Beowulf's last wish?
15 How did Beowulf die?
17 What happened to the shield in the last battle?
19 What saved Beowulf from Grendel's mothers claws?
22 Who was the King of Danes?
24 Who is Beowulf's father?
1 Where did Grendel's mother live?
2 Who was the Danish Warrior who had questioned Beowulf's bravery?
3 Who did Beowulf face in the first story?
4 Who is the person that came to help Beowulf in the last battle?
6 Why did Beowulf become king?
9 Who is the hero that ruled Geatland for fifty years?
10 Who did Beowulf face in the third story?
12 Who was the king before Beowulf?
16 What did Beowulf use to try to help against the dragon's fire?
18 What did Beowulf bring as a souvenir after the second battle?
20 What is important to Beowulf in the last battle?
21 What are Beowulf's beliefs?
22 Where does Grendel live?
23 What did they store in the tower?
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