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Biology Crossword Puzzle
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2 Active in sysnthesis of ribosomes, specialized structure in nucleus & formed from vaiors chromosomes
4 Microbody tat contains enzymes which transfer hydrogen from various substrates to oxygen, preducing a break down of hydrogen peroxide
5 Consturucted in nucleus' functions as the site of protein synthesis in cytoplasm & consists of rRNA & proteien molecules
6 Composed of cylinders of microtuble chromosomes and is a sturcure in animal cells involved in cell division
7 HYdrolytic enzyme that's enclosed by a membrane & found in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells
1 Stacks of flat membranous sacs that modify, store, and route products of the ER
3 Atom's central core; contains protons & neutrons; chromosome containing organelle of eukaryotic cells
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